A mini-workshop on Natural Language Processing and Ontologies

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A mini-workshop on Natural Language Processing and Ontologies

This is a past event

There is increasing research around the integration of natural language processing and ontologies. Speaking at this mini-workshop:

Invited speaker:  Christina Unger "Ontology-based interpretation of natural language"

Abstract:  Christina will present an approach to interpreting natural language with respect to specific domain knowledge captured in ontologies. It puts ontologies at the center of the interpretation process, meaning that they not only provide a formalization of domain knowlegde necessary for interpretation but also support and guide the construction of meaning representations.

In particular, Christina will show how compositional semantic interpretation can be tied to an underlying ontology, how the ontological knowledge can be exploited, e.g., for disambiguation, and how the resulting meaning representations can be used in applications like question answering.

Link: http://ontosem.net/book/

Other speakers to be announced.

Various speakers
Hosted by
Adam Wyner
MT 203