Computing Science seminar by Mark Snaith

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Computing Science seminar by Mark Snaith

This is a past event

Argument Revision and its Role in Dialogue

Connections between argumentation and belief revision have recentlyfound new momentum. One particular combination of the fields is the useof belief revision principles and techniques for modelling the dynamicsof systems of argumentation, to assess how the systems react to change -for instance, adding a new argument or removing an existing one. In thistalk, I will present part of my recently-defended PhD thesis, in which Ispecify a model for Argument Revision and demonstrate two ways by whichit can assist a participant in a multi-agent dialogue in certainchallenging situations - first, in helping them choose what (if any)commitments to retract when they cannot defend their position; second,in supporting dishonesty, where the participant chooses to lie insteadof admitting defeat.

Mark Snaith
Hosted by
Nir Oren
Meston 203