BNAAS - The 20th Biennial National Atomic Spectroscopy Symposium

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BNAAS - The 20th Biennial National Atomic Spectroscopy Symposium

This is a past event

BNASS (Biennial National Atomic Spectroscopy Symposium) is the biennial meeting of the RSC Atomic Spectroscopy Group and this year, BNASS will celebrate its 20th event! BNASS provides an ideal forum to encourage the exchange of ideas and knowledge in analytical atomic spectroscopy as well as celebrating the developments in atomic spectroscopy. The meeting includes a mix of established and early career speakers. Early career researchers are strongly encouraged to present their results in short oral presentations.

Confirmed Keynote Speakers

  • Prof Frank Vanhaecke, University of Ghent
  • Dr Heidi Goenaga Infante, LGC
  • Dr Andrea Raab, University of Aberdeen
  • Prof Maria Montes Bayon, University of Oviedo


  • New atomic spectrometry developments
  • Instrumentation fundamentals
  • Measurement of nanoparticles
  • Speciation and metallomics
  • Biological and clinical applications
  • Bio-imaging and laser ablation applications
  • Environmental geochemistry
  • Food analysis

Abstract Submission

The abstract submission process is open! Please submit your abstract through the Oxford Abstracts website: please click here to enter. Further details are available on the website

Hosted by
Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester, UK

BNAAS booking and abstract submission