Computing Science Seminar. Cheng on Semantic Data Retrieval: Search, Ranking, and Summarisation

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Computing Science Seminar. Cheng on Semantic Data Retrieval: Search, Ranking, and Summarisation

This is a past event

Venue: Computing Science Common Room, Meston Building

 The increasing volume of semantic data on the Web has enabled many intelligent applications, but also raises new research challenges. In this talk, I will present our recent research on semantic data retrieval. I will begin with the task of retrieving semantic associations (aka complex relationships) that connect a set of entities in a user query. This kind of a task represents a class of information needs that are not well supported by traditional Web search but now can be met with semantic data. To solve the problem, I will present efficient search algorithms, novel ranking measures, and effective summarisation and presentation of search results. We will also discuss the more general problem of semantic data summarisation.

Brief Bio: Gong Cheng is an Associate Professor at the National Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University. His research interests include semantic search, data summarization, and question answering. He has published in WWW, WSDM, IJCAI, ISWC, TKDE, JoWS, etc. Two of his papers were nominated for best research papers at ISWC'14 and ISWC'11 (top venue for Semantic Web research). He served as a PC member in WWW and ISWC, and co-organized international and national conferences, such as JIST, SumPre, and CCKS.

Gong Cheng
Hosted by
Jeff Pan
Meston Lecture Theatre