The Department of Physics runs events throughout the year.
See the menu panel or the tab below for recent News from the department.
We are on Facebook.
We run outreach events for local schools and for the general public. See the Events menu panel or the tab below for upcoming events, and Past Events for examples of recent outreach events.
If you are interested in having someone from the Department of Physics come to your school, group, or institution to give an outreach presentation, please contact the Outreach Officer Dr Kapil Debnath for more information on what we offer.
We have Interdisciplinary Seminars most weeks during term-time. These are usually at 1 PM on Wednesdays in Meston 311. The aim of these seminars is to hear about research from other disciplines across our University and outside it. Seminars either have two 20-minute talks or a single 40-minute talk, followed by discussion. See the Seminars menu panel or the tab below for upcoming seminars, and Past Seminars for examples of recent seminars.
All members of the Department are welcome: undergraduates, postgraduates, postdocs, teaching staff, technical staff - anyone who would like to attend and learn a little bit about what our speakers do in their research careers. Members from other disciplines within the School, and the wider University community, are also welcome to attend.
All PhD students in Physics are expected to attend these seminars as part of their PhD training.
Seminars are organised by Dr Sandip George. Join the mailing list to get updates on upcoming Interdisciplinary Seminars.
Open Days
University Open Days take place at various times throughout the year, particularly during the summer.
The Department of Physics takes part in these events. Usually we have a stand in Elphinstone Hall, where prospective students can meet current staff and students and find out what it's like to study Physics at the University of Aberdeen. We also give talks and do lab tours as part of these events.