Page 11 of 25101 to 110 of 248 Past Events
Computing Science Seminar. Moncur on"The role of digital technologies in transitional life events"
-Abstract: Digital technologies are now used across the human lifespan. In this seminar, I'll discuss my HCI research that explores the current roles of digital technologies across transitional human life events (becoming an adult, becoming a parent, breaking up, retiring, end of life ), and the ways in which digital technologies could be designed...
Computing Science Seminar. de Ruiter on "How Not to Study Interaction"
-Abstract: In this talk I will argue that human interaction cannot be studied properly using the standard experimental methods that have been successful in other areas of the cognitive sciences. Of the many problems with these methods, I will focus on two important ones: (a) the trade-off between experimental control and ecological validity, and (b) profound...
Computing Science Seminar. Rovatsos on "Diversity-Aware AI - the next frontier?"
-Abstract: Recently, AI has produced impressive advances mostly by following a "standard model" based on data-driven exploration of large solution spaces and optimisation toward a well-defined objective function. Arguably, this process model has little in common with human intelligence, where objectives are often vaguely defined and conflicting, satisficing behaviour is often...
Computing Science Seminar. Oren on "Demand Responsive Pricing of Taxi Services"
-Abstract: Traditional taxi services commonly charge a fixed price for their services based on a combination of travel distance and time. However, services such as Uber and Lyft seek to use market mechanisms (i.e., by considering changes in supply and demand) to compute trip pricing. Such pricing has several potential benefits,...
Computing Science Seminar. Vasconcelos on "Group Norms for Multi-Agent Organisations"
-Abstract: Normative multi-agent systems offer the ability to integrate social and individual factors to provide increased levels of fidelity with respect to modelling social phenomena, such as cooperation, coordination, group decision making, and organization, in both human and artificial agent systems. An important open research issue refers to group norms, i.e. norms...
Computing Science Seminar. Harrison on "A 5 question framework to help you think, conceptualise, develop, assess and strengthen a venture concept"
-Abstract: “So What, Who Cares, Why You, Why Now, and Why Me?” – A 5 question framework to help you think, conceptualise, develop, assess and strengthen a venture concept. Designed to help you escape the “nodding head” syndrome and instead develop relationships and commercial opportunities to help bring your venture from...
Computing Science Seminar. Gray and Runcie on "Data Tables and Logical Inferences"
-Abstract: Many people fail to realise the variety of situations that data tables can represent, and also what we can infer from them. A recent paper in AIEDAM Journal (Gray, Runcie & Sleeman (2015)) includes a description of how many kinds of table used in describing Configuration problems can be used efficiently in inference and constraint...