Wednesday 4 October, 1-2pm - Online Event: Anatomy of a High-Profile Data Breach: Dissecting the Aftermath of a Crypto-Wallet Case by Dr. Svetlana Abramova , Universitat Innsbruck, Austria.
Wednesday 11 October, 1-2pm - Online Event: A First Look at Digital Rights Management Systems for Secure Mobile Content Delivery by Amir Rafi , Royal Holloway, University London, UK.
Wednesday 18 October, 1-2pm - Hybrid (On Campus Venue MacRobert MR815): Beyond Bytes and Bugs: Navigating the Human Side of Cybersecurity by Paul Baird , Qualys, UK.
Wednesday 25 October, 1-2pm - Online Event: It's more than just money: The real-world harms from ransomware attacks by Nandita Pattnaik , University of Kent, UK.
Wednesday 1 November, 1-2pm - Hybrid (On Campus Venue MacRobert MR815): Towards a robust, effective, and resource-efficient machine learning technique for IoT security monitoring by Dr. Idris Zakariyya , University of Glasgow, UK.
Wednesday 8 November, 1-2pm - Online Event: HW/SW Co-design for Security Systems by Huimin Li , Delft University of Technology, Netherland.
Wednesday 15 November, 1-2pm - Online Event: CyberForce: A Federated Reinforcement Learning Framework for Malware Mitigation by Chao Feng , University of Zurich, Switzerland.
Wednesday 22 November, 1-2pm - Online Event: Wearable Activity Trackers and Privacy: Assessment of the Risks and Threats by Noe Zuffery , University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
Wednesday 29 November, 1-2pm - Online Event: Critical Infrastructure Protection - Current Challenges and Solutions by Prof. Leandros A. Maglaras , Edinburgh Napier University, UK.
Wednesday 6 December, 1-2pm - Online Event: Modelling a novel extortion attack: How Ethereum Validators can Fall Prey to Cyber-Extortion by Darren Hurley-Smith , Royal Holloway, University of London, UK.