Research Ethics and Integrity

In this section
Research Ethics and Integrity

Research Ethics and Integrity

Information for supervisors and researchers in Chemistry, and an overview and links to the research ethics and integrity guidance at a School and University level are detailed in the sections below.

School and University Overview

Research Ethics and Integrity

The University of Aberdeen has developed a framework for research ethics and governance which applies to all academic disciplines. It sets out the standards, principles and expectations for research ethics and governance which underpin the University's approach to research and provides an overview of the institutional structures in place for ensuring that the University meets the highest standards in its research ethics and governance arrangements. It should be used and referred to accordingly by all research staff and students.

A summary of the most relevant aspects of the institution's research ethics and governance framework to staff and students in chemistry can be found in the Chemsitry section below

Research Ethics Reviews

The Physical Sciences and Engineering Ethics Board is responsible for the ethical review of research and for the development of appropriate guidance for the good practice of all research activity for all disciplines within Physical Sciences and Engineering. The intention of this review process is to stimulate consideration of the risks and responsibilities in research. It is the responsibility of the principal investigator (PI) to secure ethical approval. The PI must ensure they discuss the ethical considerations of the research project with other researchers/PhD students before the project commences. The School of Natural and Computing Science's contacts are:

Professor Ehud Reiter

Professor Celso Grebogi

Further Information

University of Aberdeen research governance handbook:

UK Research Integrity Office's Code of Practice for Research

Ethical review in Physical Sciences and Engineernig

Ethics, governance and integrity information for PhD students

Further Contact

If you have any further questions on ethics procedures in chemistry, please contact the director of research:

Professor Abbie Mclaughlin

Framework on Research Ethics and Integrity in Chemistry

Researchers are responsible for the integrity and conduct of their research. Before commencing a research project, the researcher should assess whether they have the essential skills to perform the research to the highest ethical standards. Researchers must be well informed of the ethical, legal, institutional and funder requirements that provide assurance and compliance. The UK Research Integrity Office's Code of Practice for Research provides a checklist with the key points of good practice for a research project. This is shown at the end of his document and should be considered before commencing and at all stages of a research project. Further information can be found at:

The University of Aberdeen Research Governance Handbook provides a framework for research ethics and governance at the University and applies to all academic disciplines. It sets out the standards, principles and expectations for research ethics and governance which underpin the University's approach to research and provides an overview of the institutional structures in place for ensuring that the University meets the highest standards in its research ethics and governance arrangements. The framework details the University's position on unacceptable research conduct, including the processes in place for reporting and investigating allegations of unacceptable research conduct. There is also information on the governance processes in place to support applications for research funding (peer review processes) and of the University policies for storing research records and research data management. All research active staff and students should familiarise themselves with the University of Aberdeen Research Governance Handbook which can be found at:

The University of Aberdeen provides mandatory Research Governance and Ethics training to all staff and PhD students involved in research. Both programmes can be accessed by members of staff and postgraduate students via MyAberdeen. In addition, all staff engaged in research activities must complete the University's mandatory Information Security Training.

Further information on Research Governance and Ethics for PhD students can be found at: .

All staff should ensure their PhD students have visited this website and have undertaken the necessary training. All staff must ensure they discuss the ethical considerations of the research project with the PhD student before the project commences.

The Physical Sciences and Engineering Ethics Board is responsible for the ethical review of research and for the development of appropriate guidance for the good practice of all research activity within Physical Sciences and Engineering. Professors Ehud Reiter and Celso Grebogi are the NCS members of the Physical Sciences and Engineering Research Ethics Board. Further information and specific ethical arrangements for staff performing research in the physical sciences can found at: