

We are particularly well equipped for research in the two main research themes of Biomolecular Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry.

Facilities for Biomolecular Chemistry research include 250, 400 and 600 MHz NMR, electrospray MS, GC-MS and LC-MS, and a unique collection of instruments for environmental analysis and speciation. Facilities for Materials Chemistry Research include X-ray single crystal and powder diffraction, electron microscopy, solid state NMR, XPS, EPR, FTIR and Raman microprobes, impedance spectroscopy, gas sorption analysis and a comprehensive suite of thermal analysis instruments.

Chemistry staff also make extensive use of Central Facilities such as synchrotrons and neutron sources both in the UK and Europe, and through the ScotChem network of Scottish Chemistry Institutions access facilities in other Scottish universities.

The database of facilities available through ScotChem can be found here

Mass Spectrometric Analysis


Imaging Systems

Thermal Analysis

X-ray Diffraction


