Advanced Centre for Energy and Sustainability (ACES)

Current Opportunities

Dr. Sacha Fop is recruiting a PhD student to work on the development of new proton conductors for hydrogen applications.

Advanced Centre for Energy and Sustainability (ACES)

Aberdeen is at the forefront of the energy transition to net zero and its non-fossil energy sector has grown significantly in recent years. To build from this, the Department of Chemistry has created a new research centre, the Advanced Centre for Energy and Sustainability (ACES). The Department of Chemistry now has a critical mass of energy researchers. These researchers aim to establish innovative solutions for next generation energy applications such as hydrogen fuel cells, electrolysers, redox-flow batteries, commercial and next-generation rechargeable batteries, photovoltaics and catalysts. We want to support these researchers and foster collaboration with researchers throughout the University and with industry.

The Advanced Centre for Energy and Sustainability (ACES) is a conduit to bring energy researchers together, facilitate collaborative research grants and produce high-quality outputs (papers and research impact). ACES provides a focus for interdisciplinary research efforts with colleagues from other parts of the University, from engineering and computer science to economics and politics, as well as for engagement with industry, the public and other key stakeholders. ACES is aligned with the University of Aberdeen’s Centre for Energy Transition (CET) to take advantage of further interdisciplinary collaborative opportunities.


Academic Staff

Professor Angel Cuesta Ciscar, Director of ACES
Professor Abbie McLaughlin
Dr. Ieuan Seymour
Dr. Sunita Dey
Dr. Sacha Fop
Dr. Alan McCue
Dr. Quinn Gibson
Dr. Scott Doyle

Postdoctoral Researchers

Dr. Dylan Tawse

Dr. Sreenivsa Dasara Rao

PhD students

Ammara Safdar
Jani Shibuya
Alan Gibson
Pavithra Gunasekaran
Victoria Watson 
Jumana Shikh Almakara 
Thomas Lindsay 
Sophie Martin
Scott Rait

Our Research

Alan McCue – research in catalysis and porous materials

My research focuses on two interrelated themes – the design of heterogeneous (i.e., solid) catalysts and the development and application of porous materials (i.e., zeolites, activated carbons etc) for gas separation and/or use as a catalyst. The majority of the catalysts we develop target selective hydrogenation.  In other words, a catalyst that can control product formation when more than hydrogenated product can form. This is of importance for petrochemical production, fine chemical synthesis and upgrading of biomass.  In terms of gas separation, we are interested in the synthesis of materials which are of relevance for carbon capture. Most of my research is conducted in collaboration with colleagues in our School of Engineering (namely, Dr Ines Graca, Dr Panos Kechagiopoulos & Dr Claudia Fernandez Martin).

Recent publications:

S.Biti, A. J. McCue, D. Dionisi, I. Graca, C. F. Martin, Greener carbon capture using microwave heating for the development of cellulose-based adsorbents, Fuel, 2024, 358, 130246,

Summary - this paper targets the production of activated carbons from a cellulose source for use in carbon capture.  Cellulose is derived from biomass and so this can be considered as a renewable feedstock (i.e., it can be grown).  The activated carbons were synthesised by using microwave heating as opposed to a conventional furnace.  This mode of heating is typically far more energy efficient and this therefore reduces the environmental impact of synthesising the activated carbon.  The materials synthesised using this approach were shown to be promising for cyclic carbon capture.

Z. Rahmawati, J. A. Anderson, A. J McCue, Selective hydrogenation of stearic acid to stearyl alcohol over cobalt alumina catalysts, Applied Catalysis A: General, 2023, 666, 119437,

Summary – our paper explored the use of cobalt-based catalysts for selectively hydrogenating a long chain fatty acid to the corresponding long chain fatty alcohol.  This type of chemistry is important for upgrading naturally occurring oils into more valve added chemicals.  This type of chemistry is well known but often relies upon the use of more expensive precious metals like platinum.  In our case, we developed an effective catalyst formulation based on cobalt and this therefore reduces the catalyst cost.

B. Fu, A. J. McCue, Y. Liu, S. Weng, Y. Song, Y. He, J. Feng, D. Li, Highly Selective and Stable Isolated Non-Noble Metal Atom Catalysts for Selective Hydrogenation of Acetylene, ACS Catalysis, 2022, 12, 607-615

Summary – this paper explored a new approach to synthesising ‘site isolated’ Ni based catalysts for selective hydrogenation.  Individual Ni atoms were bonded to Mo3S4 clusters and then deposited onto a Al2O3 support to create a conventional heterogeneous catalyst.  In this material, the Ni atoms are isolated/separated from each other and so can act as individual catalytic sites.  When compared with a more traditional Ni catalyst (i.e., Ni nanoparticles supported in Al2O3) our ‘site isolated’ catalyst was far more selective for acetylene hydrogenation.

Abbie McLaughlin - Research in Solid Oxide Fuel cells

Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are electrochemical devices that are able to generate electricity from a range of fuels with high efficiency and low emissions of pollutants.  However, oxide ion transport in most commercially available solid electrolytes is enabled only at high working temperatures (> 700 °C), thus making the commercialization of SOFCs particularly challenging. The high operating temperature reduces the components’ durability, results in slow start up times and the necessitation of expensive materials for seals and interconnects. In order to overcome these issues, it is desirable to develop novel electrolyte materials with significant oxide ion conductivity at intermediate temperatures (300 – 600 °C). We are investigating novel hexagonal perovskites which exhibit both high oxide ion and proton conductivity. We are synthesising a range of hexagonal perovskites with different crystal structure to determine structure property relationships. This will enable us to establish the design rules for obtaining high oxide ion and/or proton conductivity in hexagonal perovskites at intermediate temperature for next generation ceramic fuel cells.

A schematic of a crystal structure showing the presence of oxygen vacancies near certain metals

The crystal structure of Ba7Nb4MoO20 evidencing cation and oxygen disorder, labelled as "12R" due to the presence of 12 layers in rhombohedral symmetry in the unit cell.

Recent Publications

  1. S. Fop, K. S. McCombie, E. J. Wildman, J. M. S. Skakle, J. T. S. Irvine, P. A. Connor, C. Savaniu, C. Ritter and A. C. Mclaughlin, High oxide ion and proton conductivity in a disordered hexagonal perovskite, Nature Materials 19, 752 (2020). 

In this paper we show for the first time that it’s possible for high dual ion (oxide ion and proton) conductivity to be observed in hexagonal perovskites. The proton conductivity of Ba7Nb4MoO20 is similar to state-of-the-art perovskite proton conductors but the phase is stable under CO2 and does not require extremely high temperatures for synthesis and processing. 

  1. S. Fop, K. S. McCombie, R. I. Smith and A. C. Mclaughlin, Enhanced Oxygen Ion Conductivity and Mechanistic Understanding in Ba3Nb1-xVxMoO8.5 Chem. Mater. 32 4724 (2020). 
  1. S. Fop, J. A. Dawson, D. Fortes, C. Ritter and A. C. Mclaughlin, Hydration and Ionic Conduction Mechanisms of Hexagonal Perovskite Derivatives. Chem. Mater. 33, 4651 (2021). 
  1. S. Fop, J. A. Dawson, D. N. Tawse, M. G. Skellern, J. M. S. Skakle, and A. C. Mclaughlin, Proton and Oxide Ion Conductivity in Palmierite Oxides, Chem. Mater. 34, 8190 (2022). 
  1. B. Sherwood, E. J. Wildman, R. I. Smith and A. C. Mclaughlin, Enhanced Oxide Ion Conductivity by Ta Doping of Ba3Nb1-xTaxMoO8.5, Inorg. Chem. 62, 1628 (2023). 


Dr. Sacha Fop – Research into Hydrogen technologies

Hydrogen is a key future energy vector which will be critical to transition away from fossil fuels towards a sustainable energy future. Hydrogen technologies such as fuel cells can use hydrogen as a fuel to produce electrical energy with zero harmful emissions. Research in our group is focussed on the development of innovative solid-state materials for hydrogen-based technologies. Fast hydrogen transport at the atomic level is a fundamental prerequisite for the operation of these technologies. We work on the discovery and design of new hydrogen ion conducting materials with high conductivity at reduced temperatures. These materials will help enabling the widespread use of hydrogen as a zero-carbon fuel for energy generation, as well as for application in important catalytic processes.

Selected Publications:

Anhydrous Superprotonic Conductivity in the Zirconium Acid Triphosphate ZrH5(PO4)3

Professor Angel Cuesta - Research in Electrochemistry

In the Ab-Elektro Group we focus on the combination of classical electrochemical techniques with in-situ non-electrochemical methods (spectroscopy, microscopy, mass spectrometry), in order to obtain as detailed a description as possible of the electrode-electrolyte interface and of electrochemical reactions at the atomic and molecular level. We try then to apply this knowledge to the development of electrochemical processes and devices with applications in real life, especially within the frame of the energy transition.

Recent publications

We show the enhancement of the Faradaic efficiency (FE) of CO2 reduction to CO on unmodified polycrystalline gold from ∼67 to ∼94% by the addition of up to 15 mol % of N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) to an aqueous electrolyte. We observed using ATR-SEIRAS changes in the structure of interfacial water induced by the addition of DMF consistent with an increase in the strongly hydrogen-bonded DMF–water pairs with increasingly negative potential near the interface in the presence of DMF. We hold this interfacial water structure modification by DMF responsible for increasing the CO2RR FE and decreasing the competing hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). Furthermore, the suppression of the HER is observed in other electrolytes and also when platinum was used as an electrode  and hence can be a potential method for increasing the product selectivity of complex electrocatalytic reactions.

We combined computation and experiment to estimate the equilibrium potential for the electroreduction of CO2 to CO2 , providing an alternative view on the reason behind the lower overpotential for CO2 reduction in imidazolium-based ionic liquid/water mixtures. Ab-initio molecular dynamics delivered no evidence of interaction between EMIM+ and CO2. We calculated the equilibrium potential of the CO2/CO2 couple in the mixture and aligned it with the aqueous SHE, proving that the equilibrium potential of CO2/CO2 in the mixture is about 0.3 V less negative than in the aqueous medium. Comparison of computed vibrational spectra with experimental Fourier transform infrared spectra revealed the presence of two water populations in the mixture: (i) bulk-like water and (ii) water in the vicinity of EMIM–BF4. We showed that stabilization of CO2 by water molecules in the EMIM–BF4/water mixture is stronger than in the aqueous medium, suggesting that water in EMIM–BF4/water mixtures is responsible for the low overpotential reported in these kinds of electrolytes.

The dynamics of methanol dehydrogenation to adsorbed CO (COad) on polycrystalline Pt was studied using time-resolved ATR-SEIRAS. Electrooxidation of methanol to COad is possible at potentials at least as negative as 0.01 V vs. RHE and occurs nearly exclusively at (111)- and (100)-oriented defect sites, whereby (111)-oriented defects show higher activity unless blocked by spectator species. Terraces are progressively populated by COad diffusing from the defect sites where it has been formed. We determined the singleton frequency of linearly bonded COad (COL) on Pt (2002 cm–1 ± 2) and detected a band at 1677 cm–1, which we attribute to adsorbed formyl (HCOad) and suggest is the last intermediate in the oxidation to COad. Our experiments also allow the direct spectroscopic determination of Tafel plots revealing the potential dependence of the reaction rate. These plots provide evidence of the important role played by adsorbed spectators in determining the reaction rate.

Dr. Sunita Dey – Research into next generation and post Lithium battery materials

Dr. Sunita Dey’s research focuses on developing novel solid-state materials for battery electrodes and electrolytes, with an emphasis on understanding structure-property relationships during battery operation. Her work particularly targets sustainable synthesis of materials for next-generation, beyond-lithium-ion batteries, and involves studying structural changes in real time using advanced high-energy X-ray facilities.

Prior to joining Aberdeen, Dr. Dey was a postdoctoral researcher and India-DST visiting fellow at the University of Cambridge, working with Prof. Clare Gray on a range of battery materials, employing operando X-ray methods and solid-state NMR techniques. She earned her PhD at JNCASR, India, under the supervision of Prof. C.N.R. Rao, where her research focused on the development of solid-state materials and methods for solar thermochemical water splitting to produce hydrogen.

Dr. Ieuan Seymour – Experimental and computational research into next generation rechargeable batteries

Ieuan is a Lecturer in the Chemistry Department at the University of Aberdeen and holds a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship. His research focuses on developing combined experimental and computational tools for the discovery and characterisation of sustainable next-generation materials for energy applications, including rechargeable batteries and fuel cells. A key focus of his work is the development computational methods to understand the long timescale atomistic dynamics in the bulk and at the interfaces of energy materials, using techniques such as transition state searching and Monte Carlo methods. His group also focuses on the development of novel cathode and solid-state electrolyte chemistries for Li and beyond Li-ion batteries with improved sustainability from materials synthesis to end of life.  

Before starting at the University of Aberdeen, Ieuan was a postdoc at the Imperial College London (2020-2023) and the University of Texas at Austin (2018-2020), working with Professor Stephen Skinner, Dr Ainara Aguadero and Professor Graeme Henkelman. He investigated the interfacial properties of all-solid-state batteries and the local structure and dynamics of novel cathode materials for Li and Na-ion batteries. This work followed on from his PhD at the University of Cambridge, where he used solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and first principles calculations to understand the local structure of Li-ion battery cathode materials in the group of Professor Dame Clare Grey.

Recent Highlight:

Synergistic Degradation Mechanism in Single Crystal Ni-Rich NMC//Graphite Cells

In this paper, the oxygen loss mechanisms from Ni-rich, LiNi0.8Mn0.1Co0.1O2 (NMC811) cathode materials was studied using a suite of complimentary characterisation techniques, as part of the Faraday Institution Degradation project. It was shown that both the upper and the lower cut off voltage used for cycling full NMC/graphite cells had an important impact on the long-term electrochemical performance. Using density functional theory (DFT) computational models, the thermodynamic origin of surface structural transformations in Ni-rich cathodes was explored, providing a mechanistic understanding of the driving force for Li insertion at different voltages.

Dr. Quinn Gibson – New layered materials for energy applications

Dr. Gibson’s work focuses on the development of new layered materials, with a targeted focus on materials with applications in sustainable energy including photovoltaics, thermoelectrics and ionic conductors. Layered materials are one of the backbone’s of modern functional materials – finding new way of generating and combining layers represents an attractive method for building the next generation of functional materials. Dr. Gibson’s work focuses on combining computational and experimental techniques to predict and synthesize new layered materials and assess their capability for energy applications. A recent research highlight is the discovery of record-low thermal conductivity in a multilayered material with possible applications in thermoelectric materials (Low thermal conductivity in a modular inorganic material with bonding anisotropy and mismatch).

Dr. Scott Doyle – Interdisciplinary Fellow

A theoretical plasma physicist with a decade of numerical, experimental, and industrial research experience, Scott’s publication record spans the study of fundamental low-temperature plasma physics to advanced magnetic confinement techniques. His research has found direct and indirect application in areas ranging: aerospace and defense, plasma materials manufacture, plasma-driven solution electrolysis, and nuclear fusion.

Teaching and Outreach


July 2024 - Dr. Alan McCue visited Peterhead and Fraserburgh academy on Mon 24th July for some outreach. In Peterhead he spoke to all the S4, S5 & S6 pupils on the theme of 'Green Chemistry and Careers with Chemistry'. There were approximately 90 pupils. He was hosted by Mr Laith Mansour who is a 2018 graduate from our department. In Fraserburgh, he covered the same topic and spoke to 50 S5/S6 pupils. He was again hosted by an alumni of our department - Mr Sean Beats. Fraserburgh currently have 15 pupils enrolled in Advanced Higher Chemistry making it one of the largest cohorts in the city/shire!

Dr. Alan McCue is giving a presentation to school pupils. The screen he is reading from reads "Who am I and how did I get here?"

January 2024 - Our second cohort of students from our MSc programme focusing on energy generation/storage and sustainability completed their studies in January 2024.  We are excited to see how our new graduates utilise their new knowledge and skills as they embark upon the next stage of their careers!  We also look forward to welcoming our next cohort of students in September 2024. More details of the Masters degree can be found here.

December 2023 - School pupils from across Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire were given a valuable insight into the role that chemistry plays in powering the energy transition at a series of events held at the University of Aberdeen in celebration of Chemistry Week 2023, organised by ACES PhD researches Jani Shibuya and Dylan Tawse (now doing his Post-doctoral work). Find out more about the visit here.

PhD student Jani Shibuya is holding a microphone and speaking to a group of students while presenting on health and safety in the lab.

A group of school students in lab coats smiling at the camera

A group of school students in lab coats working together on an experiment

A close up of a model toy hydrogen fuel cell used for the experiments and demonstrations with school pupils



June 2023 – Dr Alan McCue visited Meldrum Academy to give an interest talk of the role of ‘Green Chemistry’ to their S5/S6 pupils

July 2023 – Dr Alan McCue visited Westhill Academy to give a careers talk outlining his career journey and opportunities for careers in the Energy Transition

Sept 2023 – Dr Alan McCue & Dr Peter Henderson visited the Gordons school to give a careers talk and a spectroscopy workshop, respectively


News and Views

Legacy Story - This year it is 75 years since Richard Barrer joined UoA and 75 years since he published the first report of a synthetic zeolite (both occurred in the later part of 1948).  Richard Barrer was one the pioneers of zeolite research and these porous materials both widely used/studied and are widespread importance in the chemical industry and gas separation. 

On 8 January 2024 Fernando Diaz from Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH) joined the Ab-Elektro group as a visiting PGR student. He will be studying the electrochemical reduction of CO2 with copper nanoparticles using surface-enhanced IR spectroscopy (ATR-SEIRAS) and differential electrochemical mass spectrometry (DEMS).

April 2024 – Dr. Sacha Fop who was awarded the “Outstanding Research Award” at the University Excellence Award ceremony!

Professor Angel Cuesta Ciscar is a member of the Local Organising Committee of the 38th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), to be held in Manchester from 8th to 11th September 2024.

August 2024 -  Dr. Ieuan Seymour has recently been awarded the prestigious Future Leaders Fellowship from UKRI with £1.2 million in funding to research next generation sustainable rechargeable battery technologies!

August 2024 – Researchers from Dr. Alan McCue’s group have helped develop an analytical method to support RipCell's plan to recover organic acids from the pot ale and spent lees produced by whisky distillers.  A selection of news snippets linked below - always the same story but nice to show publicity in a variety of places/sectors...
Read more here : Researchers hail 'huge' potential of Scotch whisky trial | The Herald ( and Aberdeen start-up turns Whisky co-products into Liquid Gold - Aberdeen Business News

August 2024 – Hychor, a project led by Jani Shibuya and Professor Angel Cuesta Ciscar, was funded by the Abventure Microfund that was received from the University Research and Innovation office (a small fund to support entrepreneurs and their businesses at the University). The fund will go directly to building a proof-of-concept. Hychor is a green-tech spin-out from the University of Aberdeen dedicated to the development of a novel green hydrogen electrolyser technology which can produce hydrogen efficiently from seawater instead of freshwater which current technologies rely on. Their technology would improve the sustainability and resilience of large-scale hydrogen production and could be seen utilised most effectively off-shore as a solution for wind energy curtailment but can be used anywhere with access to the sea.

We were recently invited by the University to meet with the; Principal and Vice-Chancellor, George Boyne; Vice-Principal for Regional Engagement, Pete Edwards; and to present our company and its potential commercial impact to Scotland's Deputy First Minister, Kate Forbes.


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