The acclaimed Sound Festival of new and contemporary music makes it's return to the North East.
Next week sees the beginning of the sound Festival, a huge music event which brings contemporary music and musicians to Aberdeen and the North East of Scotland.Organised in association with the Music Department at the University of Aberdeen, it provides local audiences with an opportunity to hear cutting-edge music that would otherwise remain inaccessible.The festival ranks as one of the most creative in Scotland.Its success lies in the way in which it links up individual musical organisations, such as local music societies.There is a wide range of music, including instrumental and vocal music as well as electroacoustic works.Another characteristic of the festival, which is now in its sixth year, is the way in which it brings together amateurs and professionals, and incorporates projects for schoolchildren. sound attracts considerable media attention, and you can read more about this year's forthcoming festival by clicking on the following link: