4th Year BMus (Hons) student Andrew McNeill has been awarded the Aberdeen University Students Association's highest award, the David Davidson award.
The David Davison award is awarded to the student who has invested considerable time, hard work and commitment to AUSA during their time at University.
Since coming to University, Andrew has been a very committed individual taking pride in eachsociety and sports club he has been part of whether a member of the committeeor not. Whilst in his First year, Andrew was an active member in the ChristianUnion, working continuously with the Society whilst competing with the Ski Teamat Scottish Dryslope Championships. His Second year saw him sit as the BMusrepresentative on the School of Education's Learning & Teaching committee,communicating the voices of his fellow students and securing a fixed period forassessments to be marked and returned as well as the promise of properfeedback. Whilst in Second and Third year Andrew sang with the University OperaSociety and in the latter was its treasurer, leaving the committee with moremoney than when he started and also a celebrated production of Carmen. First to thirdyear also saw Andrew singing as a scholar in the University Chapel Choir - firstas the Junior Bass Scholar and then two years as the Senior Bass Scholar.Whilst offered a fourth year as a scholar, Andrew declined in order to focus on his role as Marketing and Communications Officer in the Sports Union Committee,working on securing funding both for new minibuses and for clubs, thus enablingthem to compete at higher levels and in some cases maintain their positions asBUCS champions.