Project led by Pete Stollery to discuss the changing soundscapes of post-pandemic Aberdeen.
We are looking for people who live and/or work in Aberdeen to take part in a project which will discuss ways in which the soundscape of Aberdeen has altered since restrictions were put in place as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
WORKSHOP 1 - 24th November (3pm - 5pm)
This session will take place in the City Centre (venue TBC) and will consist of a wide ranging discussion about sound and its importance in our lives. We will discuss how (and perhaps why) soundscapes have changed and where these changes have taken place. We will also go on a short sound walk, listening to the sounds of Aberdeen.
WORKSHOP 2 - 1st December (3pm - 5pm)
This session will take place at the University of Aberdeen and you will be shown how to edit sounds you’ve recorded in and around Aberdeen since the previous workshop. These sounds will then be placed on a sound map which will be published after the workshop.
No previous experience is necessary and there is no cost, so If you have something to say about the Aberdeen soundscape and are interested in taking part in either of these two workshops, please complete the form at: