Ian Pace - Piano

Ian Pace - Piano

This is a past event

Second concert in the series by Ian Pace

This is the second concert in the series, in association with the Sound Festival, by Ian Pace which features the contrasting music of Brian Ferneyhough and Brice Pauset. Ian Pace is a pianist of long-established reputation, specialising in the farthest reaches of musical modernism and transcendental virtuosity, as well as a writer and musicologist focusing on issues of performance, music and society and the avant-garde. He was born in Hartlepool, England in 1968, and studied at Chetham’s School of Music, The Queen’s College, Oxford and, as a Fulbright Scholar, at the Juilliard School in New York. His main teacher, and a major influence upon his work, was the Hungarian pianist György Sándor, a student of Bartók.

King's College Chapel

For more information, contact

Euan Crabb

Administrator in Music

01224 272570

email: escrabb@abdn.ac.uk