University of Aberdeen Symphony Orchestra, Choral Society and King's College Chapel Choir

University of Aberdeen Symphony Orchestra, Choral Society and King's College Chapel Choir

This is a past event

Ruth Palmer (Violin Soloist) & Christopher Gray (Conductor)

Tancredi Overture Rossini

Violin Concerto in E Minor, Op.64Mendelssohn

A Cædmon Symphony [World Première] Geoff Palmer

This concert sees the first visit to the Music Hall by soloist Ruth Palmer, who won a Classical BRIT Award for her recording of the Shostakovich First Violin Concerto with the Philharmonia Orchestra.  Here she will be performing Mendelssohn's ever popular Violin Concerto with the University of Aberdeen Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Christopher Gray.  The evening's music will also include the world première of A Cædmon Symphony by Ruth's father, Geoff Palmer, who is Lecturer in Composition at the University of Aberdeen.

In association with sound fesitval.

Admission: £8/£5 and £2 students/children

Aberdeen Music Hall