Beth Dynowski

Beth Dynowski

The Centre for Modern Thought
School of Language & Literature
University of Aberdeen


Beth joined the Centre for Modern Thought in 2012 after graduating with a First Class Honours in Sculpture from the Glasgow School of Art in 2011. Beth's research at CMT enacts a thinking of the politics, philosophy and ethics of art and aesthetics with a particular focus on the relationship between aesthetics and equality and the ontological status of the artwork. She is co-founder and co-director of The Pipe Factory, a studio and project space in Glasgow and in March 2012 she initiated and ran Temporary Art School in Aberdeen, a free experimental art school which used the streets, galleries, pubs and shops of Aberdeen to deliver workshops and events which focused on exploring art through politics, religion, philosophy and collective material experimentation. Her dissertation will include a critical reflect ion on these projects and her studio practice alongside the work of Jacques Rancière.


(2012) 'Least Event' Glasgow International Festival of Visual Art, Southside Film Festival Artists Films, Temporary Art School, Scottish Sculpture Workshops Emerging Artist Residency, 'We're on the Road to Nowhere' Solo-project funded by Glasgow Visual Artist Award (2011) Royal Scottish Academy John Kinross Fellow, Siena Art Institute Visiting Artist, 'The Legacy of Holweck' Platform Arts Centre (2010) 'Discourse' Mitchell Library, 'Geoaesthetics in the Anthropocene' Salisbury University


Z/KU Centre for Art & Urbanistics Fellow, Berlin
6 month artists residency supported by Arts Trust Scotland. The residency will take ZK/U's 'From Scratch' bi-annual research theme as its starting point. 'From Scratch' describes an ephemeral gesture: the simple act of drawing a line on the ground from which to 'start from scratch' and as an image encourages thinking and acting that is unencumbered by ecological, economic and social crisis and to explore the idea of community without referring to or attempting to find solutions for current disasters or crisis.

Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellowship
Commissioned report and research project assessing the impact of self-organised learning, DIY community projects and open online educational projects in the US with a view to creating sustainable support models for self-organised learning in the public and private sector in the UK. The study will cover Los Angeles, New York, Detroit, Chicago, Minneapolis, Portland & Greensboro. Recommendations of people and places to visit in these areas are greatly appreciated where offered please contact:


Working Title: Re-imagining aesthetics and equality in contemporary art practice beyond autonomy and fraternity.

Synopsis: An encounter with Jacques Rancière where his political and aesthetic theory meets world. A movement alongside his self-declared incompatible notions of the practice of equality and the politics of aesthetics, how might this in its subtlety reveal another side to the knot of aesthetics, ethics and politics which goes beyond dominant paradigms of critical art, pedagogical projects, crisis management and bearing witness? How might autonomy and fraternity be reconceived through Rancière without a return to order and staging peoples in that orders name? And how might Rancière's conception of aesthetics and equality offer a productive articulation of the materiality of the artwork within the fabric of everyday life?