Focussed History: Antepartum Haemorrhage
How heavy is the bleeding?
- Volume (how many pads has she used?, were they thick or thin?) and the colour of the blood (red / brown)
Is she sure it is vaginal bleeding?
- Consider urethral / rectal as a possibility if unsure
How did it start?
- At rest / post-coital / other
Associated pain?
- Character / site / exacerbating & relieving factors / radiation of the pain
- Specifically may want to consider if the pain is: constant / intermittent or contractions / scar pain
Is there fetal movement?
- Are the movements normal?
Current pregnancy:
- Review of obstetric / antenatal history including scans, admissions, history of bleeding
- If so: when, how much, findings & outcome?
Previous pregnancy history:
- Including previous mode of delivery
Blood type:
- Rhesus positive or negative?
- Any relevant history?
- Smear history?
NB If there are any immediate concerns with the patient it is vital that you call for help and do not delay senior involvement to take a history