Question 14: End of Case Quiz


Indicate whether the following statements are True or False:

APH is defined as bleeding from the genital tract after 28 weeks        
Placenta accreta is a recognised cause of major APH especially in women with previous caesarean section        
Ultrasound findings are often normal in abruption        
Haematuria may be seen with scar rupture        
Vasa praevia is commonly identified antenatally        
Trauma is the commonest cause of PPH        
APH is a risk factor for PPH        
Ergometrine should not be given in presence of hypertension        
Syntocinon should not be given in presence of hypertension        
Active management of 3rd stage reduces risk of PPH        
Primary PPH is > 1000mls up to 24 hours        
DIC is a 2 stage process resulting from consumption of clotting factors & subsequent bleeding        
In PPH situation, you must wait for fully cross-matched blood when blood is required        
'Hot' debrief will suffice in all situations