Placental Abruption vs. Placenta Praevia vs. Uterine Rupture

Characteristic Abruption Praevia Uterine Rupture
Shock Inconsistent with losses Consistent with losses Inconsistent with losses
Pain Often severe. Constant Painless Severe and sharp. Constant
Bleeding May be concealed. Often dark Red & may be profuse, but may also hae smaller bleeds prior to a larger bleed May be concealed. May have haematuria
Tenderness Often severe. May have 'woody' hard uterus Unusual Peritonism
Fetus May be dead or distressed (pathological CTG). Usually no malpresentation CTG usually normal. Often malpresentation / head high Likely distressed (pathalogical CTG). Very high or unreachable presenting part, fetus may partially be in abdomen
Ultrasound Often normal Placenta low Often normal
Risk factors Previous abruption, pre-eclampsia, hypertension, smoking, abdominal trauma, advanced maternal age, cocaine use, multiparity Previous caesarean section Previous uterine surgery, multiparity, trauma, oxytocin use