
There are two different ways to establish the heart rate:

  1. Rate = 300 / (no. of big squares between QRS peaks)
  2. Rate = number of QRS peaks in 30 large squares x 10
rate trace

Method 1

Here we divide 300 by 3 (number of big squares between the QRS peaks).

This gives a rate of 100bpm

NOTE: you can only use this method if the rhythm is regular and it only gives an estimated bpm

rate trace

Method 2

Here we count off 30 large squares and count how many QRS peaks fit in this. Then we multiply that number by 10.

In this case there are 9 peaks in 30 squares and so the rate is 9 x 10 = 90 bpm.

NOTE: you need to use the rhythm strip to count off the squares

NOTE: it doesn't matter if the rhythm is irregular you can still use this method

NOTE: see how we get a slightly different and more accurate rate using this method than the last