Travel Histories
A travel history can be split into four categories:
- Patient Factors
- Previous medical history
- Health while travelling
- Foreign hospital admissions
- Travel Prep
- Vaccinations
- Prophylactic medications
- Protective equipment
- Exposure
- Food/Drinking sources
- Animal/insect bites
- Activities whilst abroad
- Swimming, hiking, partying
- Specific Travel Itinerary
- Where did they travel?
- When did they travel?
- Departure and return
- Travel between countries
- How did they travel?
- By air, rail, boat, car e.t.c.
- What kind of accommodation did they stay in?
- Why did they travel?
- Holiday, business trip e.t.c.
- Who did they travel with?
- Has anyone else in the same party gotten sick? Was anyone sick whilst overseas?