Learning Outcomes
First of All, A Recap
Function of the Adrenal Gland
Function of the Adrenal Gland 2
Function of the Adrenal Gland 3
Adrenal Hypofunction
Case 1
Case 1 - Introduction
Possible Causes
Clinical Examination
Addison's Disease
Addison's - Presentation
Clinical Examination
Skin hyperpigmentation
When to Suspect Adrenal Insufficiency
Investigating Adrenal Insufficiency
Investigating Adrenal Insufficiency 2
Short Synacthen Test
Short Synacthen Test 2
Primary or Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency?
Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency
Investigating Primary Adrenal Insufficiency
Investigating Primary Adrenal Insufficiency 2
Managing Addison's
Sick Day Rules
Patient Resources
Case 2
Case 2 - Introduction
Differential Diagnosis
Case 2 - Continued
Case 2 - Explanation
References and Feedback
Learning Outcomes and References
Adrenal Disorders
Investigating Primary Adrenal Insufficiency 2
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