E-consult and Accompanying Note

Patient 1: Ms. Kania

    Doctor in their office
  • You receive an e-consult from a 53 year old lady who has noticed several small slightly raised cherry-red spots on her abdomen, they began appearing about one year ago
  • eConsult from Julia Kania Julia Kania (Female, Age 53) Cherry-red growths or spots on abdomen 1969 Julia Kania (Female, Age 53)

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    I've been getting these unusual small spots on my tummy, I've now got about 10 but 2 appeared recently

    They all look roughly the same, are slightly raised, quite round have a weird cherry-red colour

    They don't seem to have changed much since they have appeared, and they don't itch

    I noticed they seem to disappear and then come back after I press on them

    They're not worrying me too much but I thought I should get them checked out