Electronic Triage of Skin Lesions: A Training Course for Primary Care Health Professionals


  • Welcome to this online training course which is about triaging photographs and descriptions of skin lesions submitted by patients to primary care
  • The course is aimed at qualified nurses and others working in primary care who are interested in deciding how to advise patients who have used an electronic consulting system to submit photographs and descriptions of skin lesions they are concerned about
  • We believe this is a clinical activity which is becoming more common in primary care, and something that many health professionals working in primary care are increasingly being asked to do
  • The course is based upon real life clinical situations which occurred during the ASICA trial carried out at the University of Aberdeen
  • In the ASICA trial people who had previously been treated for cutaneous melanoma used the ASICA digital health intervention to submit photographs and descriptions of concerns with their skin1
  • These were reviewed and triaged by a nurse who had expertise in dermatology
  • We now want to offer this course to train other relevant health professionals about how to review and act on photographs and descriptions of skin concerns submitted by patients to primary care