During this course you will be introduced to the principals of assessing photographs of skin lesions for worrying features
This will include considering the text details that patients have provided about how a skin lesion may be behaving or changing
A useful approach to assessing any photograph of a skin lesion is to use the 'ABCDE criteria'
The ABCDE criteria offer a systematic way of assessing a skin lesion according to its appearance and behaviour
Positive findings when using the ABCDE criteria will usually indicate that a face-to-face appointment to examine the skin lesion in person is appropriate
The ABCDE criteria are most useful for assessing lesions for the risk of cutaneous melanoma
The particular features of non-melanoma skin cancers will also be discussed during the course
The ABCDE rules are particularly useful for spotting the warning signs for cutaneous melanoma but may also be helpful for assessing non-melanoma skin cancer given that skin cancer share common pathological clinical features
Please click on each letter of the algorithm below to learn more:
A is for Asymmetry
B is for Border
C is for Colour variability and/or Changing colour
D is for Diameter
E is for Evolving (changing)
Other methods that can be used to assessed pigmented lesions include: