In the breast of non-pregnant (adult) females the bulk of the tissue is adipose tissue
There is very little glandular tissue in the breast of non-pregnant adult females
Small clusters of ducts are found with little or no secretory cells at the ends of the ducts
Mainly, these ducts are formed from a simple low cuboidal epithelium
Towards the end of each menstrual cycle, in response to rising oestrogen and progesterone from the corpus luteum of the ovary, there may be a limited "sprouting" of secretory cells from the ends of the ducts but this ceases if menstruation occurs (and oestrogen and progesterone levels fall)
This may be associated with a slight tenderness of the breast
Micrograph of Inactive Breast Tissue:
In this micrograph of breast tissue notice the smaller ducts typical of the inactive breast
Adipose tissue (A) is the most common type of tissue in the inactive breast