B5 +D1 Eosinophils


  • Eosinophils are granular leucocytes
  • They are 12-15 microns in diameter and have a lobed nucleus
  • Typically the nucleus is bilobed. They represent 1-4% of white blood cells in normal peripheral blood
  • The cytoplasm of eosinophils contains numerous large granules which stain an orange colour with Romanovsky type stain
  • Eosinophils circulate in peripheral blood for between 1-10 hours then spend up to about 10 days in tissue spaces before dying
  • They have anti-parasite and anti-allergy functions

Eosinophils - 2:

  • In this image of a blood smear note the two eosinophils
  • Each shows a bilobed nucleus and is about 1.5 times the diameter of the red blood cells
  • The cytoplasm contains numerous large cytoplasmic granules which have been stained orange by the eosin stain which forms part of the Romanovsky staining method used for blood smears