Ovaries (paired) - release ova for fertilisation and produce hormones which stimulate other parts of the female reproductive tract and support pregnancy
Uterine tubes (paired) - Provide an environment to support the ovum during fertilisation and delivery of the zygote to the uterus
Uterus (single) - provides an environment to support embryo development
Vagina (single) - receives the male-sex organ (penis) and the seminal fluid
External genitalia
The structure and function of the female reproductive system is influenced by hormones
The hormonal milieu is found in three phase during an individual's life:
Prepubertal phase - the structural components of the female reproductive system are present but not stimulated to allow reproduction
Reproductive phase - the female reproductive system is actively able to support the development of an embryo and foetus
Its structure and function changes on a cyclical basis, influenced by hormones of the menstrual cycle
Post menopausal phase - reproductive capacity is exhausted and the components of the female reproductive tract cease to be stimulated by hormones of reproduction and atrophy