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Breathing is improved


  • Thankfully, while magnesium was being drawn up for intravenous infusion, she begins to settle and is breathing more comfortably
  • Her chest still exhibits wheeze but air entry is unequivocally better
  • Critical care reviewed her and agreed that she would be a candidate for the intensive care unit, but that it was not yet required
  • She is transferred to the respiratory ward for observation and further management

Preparing for discharge:

  • Thanks to your quick thinking and supportive care, her use of nebulisers gradually dwindles and her need for supplemental oxygen falls
  • She was "off oxygen" on day 2 and did not need any nebulisers on day 5
  • She is very keen to go home, though a bit nervous


You had little time in the previous days to plan discharge or discuss her asthma with her, what else would you explore with her prior to discharge?