
Travel Insurance

The University can provide travel insurance for anyone travelling "under the auspices of the University".  Full information and an application form is available on the website 

We would still strongly recommend students arrange travel and health insurance as soon as you have finalised your travel arrangements for your elective.

There are a number of organisations that offer this service including those who offer policies aimed at students. You may wish to refer to the “Which” guides on travel insurance for recommendations on your policy You must ensure that the insurance policy covers you for the work you will be doing whilst on your elective as many policies do not cover this.

If your elective is in Europe you should obtain a valid free EHIC card this will guarantee you free or reduced cost treatment in 17 European Countries but this only covers stated provided emergency treatment. Private treatment is not covered and state provided treatment will not necessarily cover all treatment you expect to receive from the NHS. The UK also have reciprocal agreements with several countries outside the EU which is also covered by the EHIC card. You should refer to for more information.

We would still strongly recommend you still obtain travel insurance even if your elective is in the EU.

Indemnity Insurance

Some host institutions will request proof of your indemnity insurance. The University does not cover students for your elective period but most of you will have taken out membership with one of the Defence Unions in first year which often offer cover for your elective.

Medical Defence Union - 


Medical Protection Society - 


Medical & Dental Defence Union of Scotland




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