How do I organise my elective?

Start planning early. It is important to think about a few things like what do you want to do your project on, do you want to travel for this, if so where would you like to go.

If you are struggling for elective ideas you can approach a consultant in the field you would like to study – ask if they can be your supervisor. A benefit to speaking to a consultant also means they may have friends in other parts of the world who may be willing to be your host supervisor too.

If you can't find a host supervisor through consultants you know then you can look for contacts for people through various resources:

The internet

  • Linkedin is a good option for finding doctors all over the world
  • – this is a guide on electives and a database of contacts overseas to members of MDU
  • Social Media such as Instagram and TikTok – there are doctors who create content who may be good to at least reach out to for advice – they’re usually more than happy to help

Hospital staff

  • Staff all over the hospital may have friends abroad – ask if they can suggest someone

Advisers on electives

  • There is a group of staff (clinical and teaching) who have a particular knowledge and experience of electives – they are committed to offering advice and guidance to students

Electronic databases

  • Carry out a search for papers on your chosen topic – you will find the names and contact details of the authors

Other students

  • Speak to your friends/other people in your year to see what they might have planned but also speak to people in the year above about their experiences and what they did

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