How to submit written questions & what happens next
The University of Aberdeen is always seeking new material to expand the current question banks.
Thank you for taking the time to write new examination material.
All questions, whichever format, should be submitted to the Institute Assessment Coordinator Jennifer Dick. In the first instance please email your questions directly to them at Jennifer Dick.
Once received, your question will be reviewed and forwarded to a specialist in the subject area for review and comments. If a significant number of comments or suggestions are made, the question may be returned to you for editing. Minor alterations are usually made in-house, either by examination co-ordinators, or by clinical teaching fellows.
The assessment lead will then decide which year group your question is most appropriate to assess, based on the current curriculum and content of the question.
Each year group has a year or phase co-ordinator, a written examination co-ordinator and an OSCE co-ordinator. The final version of your question will be sent to the relevant examination co-ordinator and the year lead. If the question is deemed suitable for that year, it will be added to the appropriate bank. If it is felt more suitable for another year it will be passed on to the examination co-ordinator and lead for that year.
Once your question is added to the bank, it can then be selected by examination co-ordinators for inclusion in university examinations. Prior to use, it will be discussed at a standard setting-setting meeting, and decisions made regarding the difficulty of the question and the appropriate passmark, either as an individual question, or as a part of the entire paper will be made (for more information please see the relevant document on Standard Setting).