The School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture
- About
- People
- Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies
- English
- Ethnology & Folklore - Elphinstone Institute
- Film & Visual Culture
- French & Francophone Studies
- Gaelic Studies
- German Studies
- Language and Linguistics
- Music
- Spanish & Latin American Studies
- Arabic & Mandarin
- Sustained Studies
- Degree Programmes
- Postgraduate Hub
Research Centres
- Centre for Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies
- Centre for Multilingual Research
- Centre for The Novel
- National Centre for Gaelic Translation
- Sir Herbert Grierson Centre for Textual Criticism and Comparative Literary History
- Walter Scott Research Centre
- WORD Centre for Creative Writing
- Publications of the Forum for Research on the Languages of Scotland and Ulster
- The Director's Cut
- Centre of Training and Research in Linguistics
- Fellowship Opportunities
- Scholarships
- Arts Entrepreneurship