SGSAH/AHRC Scholarships

SGSAH/AHRC Scholarships

AHRC/SGSAH Funded PhDs at the School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture

The School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture (LLMVC) at the University of Aberdeen are currently seeking expressions of interest from excellent candidates ready to take the next steps in their research by applying for a funded AHRC PhD scholarship via the Scottish Graduate School of Arts and Humanities (SGSAH). We particularly welcome applications from women, BIPOC scholars, and scholars from any backgrounds or communities currently under-represented in music research.

The SGSAH/AHRC call is open to applicants from all over the world (UK, the EU and International) for doctoral studies in the majority of Arts and Humanities subjects. Since the SGSAH allows cross-institutional supervision, we strongly encourage candidates to look across the AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership to consider the possibility of a project backed by more than one institute. All funded PhD students, whether UK or International will be eligible for a full award - both a stipend to support living costs, and fees at the UK rate. The University of Aberdeen will waive the difference between home and international fees for successful candidates whose project is based at the University of Aberdeen.

The AHRC expects that applicants to PhD programmes will normally hold, or be studying towards, a Masters qualification. Applicants who are not in this position may be able to use relevant professional experience to provide evidence of their ability to undertake independent research. Full-time PhD students in their first year of study, or part-time PhD students in their second year who meet the criteria above are eligible to apply. Further information about the scheme, the eligibility criteria, the application form and guidance, and the application process are available on the University of Aberdeen Funding Database and on the SGSAH web site .

Anyone considering applying should begin by contacting the member of staff with the closest research interests to discuss the viability of the project. In addition, we have developed a SGSAH DTP Applicant Checklist to help you check your eligibility and prepare for the application. Please make sure to discuss this checklist with your potential supervisor(s).

University of Aberdeen Deadlines

  1. Register your interest in the funding: If you intend to apply for an AHRC Scholarship, please email us in the first instance to register your interest.

  2. Applications for PhD study: Your completed PhD study application must be submitted through the University's online application system by 12 pm Monday 28 November 2022. You do not need to have an offer of a study place by 28 November, but you must simply have submitted your completed study application. When completing the PhD application applicants should list "AHRC SGSAH DTP Scholarship" as the intended funding source.

  3. Applications for the SGSAH/AHRC Scholarship: Completed scholarship applications should be combined with academic references, undergraduate/postgraduate transcripts in a single PDF document using the file name "AHRC - Student Surname, First name" and submitted to by 12 noon on Friday, 02 December 2022.

Following a competitive selection process, applicants will be informed in due course if their applications have been selected for nomination to the SGSAH for an AHRC scholarship. Nominated candidates will then work closely with staff in the LLMVC and the PGR School before submitting their final application.

Any queries in relation to the application process or eligibility, please contact .