The Bernard C. Lloyd Collection of Scott Materials

The Bernard C. Lloyd Collection of Scott Materials

Waverley Retold for Boys & Girls - Alice F. JacksonAberdeen is also home to the Bernard C. Lloyd Collection of Walter Scott Materials, purchased with a grant of £209,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund in 2002. Assembled over many years by Bernard Lloyd it is possibly the finest collection of print materials related to Scott in the world. It contains nearly every edition of every work written, edited or contributed to by Scott and many materials which reflect Scott's impact on other art forms such as drama, opera and graphic novels.

The collection lends itself to work on the afterlives of Scott, adaptations of his work, book and publishing history and on the transnational dissemination of Scott's work and influence, and the Centre is happy to receive proposals for doctoral studies in these fields.

All items in the collection can be found with the shelf mark WS in the Library Catalogue .

In 2021 the Centre collaborated with Museums and Special Collections to create an on-line exhibition on Scott and Song that includes items from the Lloyd Collection.

You can view the exhibition - Walter Scott and Song: Retuning the Harp of the North
And view the launch event -