

Aberdeen is home to two major scholarly editions, the Cambridge Edition of the Works of Jane Austen , edited by Janet Todd, and the Edinburgh Edition of the Waverley Novels of Walter Scott, edited by David Hewitt with Alison Lumsden.

Textual editing at Aberdeen is complemented by interpretative and biographical work across three centuries of the British novel. Recent books by staff of the Centre include:

  • Derek Hughes and Janet Todd's Cambridge Companion to Aphra Behn,
  • Hazel Hutchison's Seeing and Believing: Henry James and the Spiritual World,
  • Catherine Jones's Literary Memory: Scott's Waverley Novels and the Psychology of Narrative,
  • Jeannette King's The Victorian Woman Question in Contemporary Feminist Fiction,
  • Janet Todd's Mary Wollstonecraft: A Revolutionary Life, and Jane Austen in Context,
  • Paul Schlicke's Oxford Reader's Companion to Dickens.

Current research projects include studies of Walter Scott, portrayals of older women in twentieth-century fiction, and American literature of the First World War.