Aberdeen is home to two major scholarly editions, the Cambridge Edition of the Works of Jane Austen , edited by Janet Todd, and the Edinburgh Edition of the Waverley Novels of Walter Scott, edited by David Hewitt with Alison Lumsden.
- Derek Hughes and Janet Todd's Cambridge Companion to Aphra Behn,
- Hazel Hutchison's Seeing and Believing: Henry James and the Spiritual World,
- Catherine Jones's Literary Memory: Scott's Waverley Novels and the Psychology of Narrative,
- Jeannette King's The Victorian Woman Question in Contemporary Feminist Fiction,
- Janet Todd's Mary Wollstonecraft: A Revolutionary Life, and Jane Austen in Context,
- Paul Schlicke's Oxford Reader's Companion to Dickens.
Current research projects include studies of Walter Scott, portrayals of older women in twentieth-century fiction, and American literature of the First World War.