A number of centres are based in the School, including the Centre for Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies , the George Washington Wilson Centre for Visual Culture , and the Grierson Centre for Textual Criticism and Comparative Literary History .
The School is also involved in a number of University-wide centres and institutes , including the Centre for Citizenship, Civil Society and the Rule of Law , Centre for Modern Thought , the Centre for Early Modern Studies , the Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies , and the Elphinstone Institute .
Cross-School Research Centres:
- Centre for Citizenship, Civil Society and the Rule of Law (CISRUL)
- Centre for Early Modern Studies (CEMS)
- Centre for History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and Medicine (CHPSTM)
- George Washington Wilson Centre for Art and Visual Culture
- Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies (RIISS)
- Centre for Scandinavian Studies
LLMVC Research Centres:
- Centre for Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies
- Centre for Linguistic Research
- Centre for Multilingual Research (CMLR)
- Centre for the Novel
- Centre of Training and Research in Linguistics (CTRL)
- Elphinstone Institute
- National Centre for Gaelic Translation
- Performing the Past (research group)
- SERG (Sound Emporium Research Group)
- Sir Herbert Grierson Centre for Textual Criticism and Comparative Literary History
- Walter Scott Research Centre
- WORD Centre for Creative Writing
- Publications of the Forum for Research on the Languages of Scotland and Ulster