Thesis Topic: Informal language learning spaces for adult speakers of Scottish Gaelic
Supervisors: Dr Marsaili MacLeod, Dr Michelle Macleod
Educational background (BA, MA, etc.): Licence in History (Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France), Masters in Irish Studies (Université de Haute-Bretagne, Rennes, Brittany), MSc in Celtic and Scottish Studies (University of Edinburgh).
What are your research interests/what are you currently working on? I am currently focusing on my PhD topics, which means that I am mostly looking at minority language acquisition for adults and sociolinguistic behaviours in a minority language situation. My other research interest also inhold the study of early medieval history of Britain, Ireland and Brittany, and Celtic languages and ethnology. I have also been looking at Norse mythology and linguistics.
What do you do outside of academia (hobbies, personal interests, etc.)? Apart from my work at University, I am learning Norwegian and Finnish. I enjoy reading folktales and epic poetry but am also very fond of Science-Fiction and Fantasy literature and cinema.
Why did you choose to study in Aberdeen? My PhD topic was offered by the University, and the prospect of working in the North-East appealed to me.
What is your favourite part of studying and living in Aberdeen? I have a keen interest in Doric and North-East culture and history. I also like the size of the city, which I find both big enough to meet my needs and small enough to be easy to live in. I am very happy with the Gaelic department here, whose ambiance and solidarity makes me enjoy my studies.
How do you think your experience in Aberdeen will prepare you for the future? I am receiving the guidance I need in terms of my academic work, with care and professionalism. I also have the opportunity to meet different people and to learn outwith my main field of research, meaning that I get to have a broader approach to whatever may come next.