From the Old Brewery - PGR Podcast
From the Old Brewery
A Podcast series from the PGR Community at the School of Language, Literature, Music, and Visual Culture, University of Aberdeen.
Season 1 - Academic Year 2021/2022
Listen to episodes from the inaugural season of this PGR podcast, featuring research students and staff speaking about various projects they are undertaking in the 2021/2022 academic year.
- Episode 5 - 'Bears Meddling in Human Politics': Ecologising Democracy in Yoko Tawada's Memoirs of a Polar Bear by Ines Kirschner
- Episode 4 - Echoes of War: Fiction of Traumatic Memories in the Aftermath of the Spanish Civil War by Libertad Ansola-Palazuelos
- Episode 3 - Representations of autism and place in 21st Century: Sarinah O'Donoghue
- Episode 2 - E. A. Hornel: A Painter Behind the Camera
- Episode 1 - Open discussion with LLMVC PG Reps