Office Spaces for PGR Students

Office Spaces for PGR Students

The School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture only has a limited number of office spaces which are available for full-time, campus-based PGR students during their supervised period of study. To request an office space, please submit the request form below which will ask you to provide a reason for your need of a dedicated office space. You should note that, if you are allocated a space, this will usually be a space shared with other PGR students. A key deposit of £10 is required in order to secure your keys and will be returned to you when you return your keys to the school office.

It is important to note that while we endeavour to ensure you are allocated a personal office space during your supervised period of study, it cannot be guaranteed. Any student awaiting a personal office space will be added to a waiting list and have access to the School's dedicated PGR hotdesk office, until a personal office space becomes available.

We normally allocate office spaces to full-time PGR students during their supervised period of study only, therefore you will have to return your keys once you have completed this. We do not normally allocate office spaces to students in their "writing-up period". If you suspend your studies for 3 months or more, you will be required to return your keys and you may submit a new request upon your return to studies using the form below.

Office spaces will be allocated as they become available and pending approval from the School Director of PGR, based on the submission date of the form below.