Fellowship Opportunities

Fellowship Opportunities

Early Career Fellowships and Awards in the Arts and Humanities

The School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture is keen to support outstanding candidates in a number of externally funded research fellowship schemes.  We welcome expressions of interest from high quality early-career candidates whose research interests align with those of academics in the School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture at the University of Aberdeen, and who have checked their eligibility for the below schemes, which are advertised annually. For any informal enquiries please contact the School Director of Research Dr Syrithe Pugh or School’s Research Development Executive Dr Sabine Freitag.



Internal Triage Process

Funder Opening/ Closing Date

The British Academy

Post-Doctoral Fellowship

School Level - Triage details for 2025 below

1st October 2025, 5 pm

International Fellowship

School Level – Triage now closed 

18 March 2025

Wellcome Trust

Early-Career Awards

School level

22 May 2025, 5 pm



Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)

Catalyst Award

School level

Responsive Mode – always open scheme

UKRI (cap of 4)

UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships Round 10

University of Aberdeen triage now closed

18 June 2025, 4 pm

European Research Council

Starter Grant

For further details please contact europe-rg@abdn.ac.uk


Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship

For further details please contact europe-rg@abdn.ac.uk




British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships 2025/26

The School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture (LLMVC) at the University of Aberdeen invites applications from prospective applicants to the British Academy’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme. The British Academy 2025-26 competition is expected to open for applications on 2nd July 2025, with a deadline for receipt of applications on 1st October 2025.  Full details of the scheme are given on the British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships webpages. Candidates must be within three years of the award of their doctorate, and must be a UK or EEA national, or have completed their doctorate at a UK university.  Applications are expected to have completed their viva voce between 1 April 2023 and 1 April 2026.  If you are interested in applying, you must first check that you meet the British Academy’s eligibility criteria which can be found on their webpages.

Each year the School supports a number of applications for projects in all our subject areas and successful applicants will join a vibrant community of postdoctoral research fellows. The University of Aberdeen is fully committed to supporting the scholarship and career development of our fellows, and each will be assigned an academic mentor and will be fully integrated into the life of the School.

For more information about research in the School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture at the University of Aberdeen, see: The School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture | The University of Aberdeen. The School welcomes interdisciplinary research proposals, particularly within the University of Aberdeen’s 2040 Interdisciplinary Challenge Areas, more details on these can be found here.  

Applicants who would like to be hosted by the School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture at the University of Aberdeen must submit an outline proposal (Intention proforma, Abstract, and CV) to the School’s Research Development Executive, Dr Sabine Freitag by 4 pm on Wednesday 18 June 2025, using the forms available to download below:

If you would like to be considered, you are strongly advised to contact your proposed departmental mentor before submitting your proposal. If you cannot yet identify a potential mentor, advice can be sought from Dr Syrithe Pugh School Director of Research, and Dr Sabine Freitag, Research Development Executive, who can advise you as to how to proceed and best make use of the support available. You can also review academic staff profiles and research interests on the School’s webpage.

The competition for the British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship is held in two stages. The outline stage is open for everyone within the eligibility criteria. The second stage is invitation only.  You can only apply to this competition once, unless specifically invited to re-apply, so it is important to consider if this is the optimal time for any particular individual to apply.



18th June 2025, 4 pm

Closing date for submission of outline proposals to the School.

23rd June – 3rd July 2025

A School review panel will undertake their review of applications and inform all candidates of the outcome of the decision.

7th July   – 23rd September 2025

The selected candidate(s) will be invited to work on their final proposal(s) for submission to the British Academy with support from the School and colleagues from Research & Innovation.

23rd September 2025

UoA deadline to submit outline application(s) for institutional approval via the University’s Research Award Management system, Worktribe.

30th  September 2025

UoA deadline for candidate(s) to submit outline application(s) for institutional approval via the British Academy’s grant management system, FlexiGrant.

1st October 2025

British Academy deadline for outline applications to the Postdoctoral Fellowship scheme.

Due to the volumes of expressions of interest, the School panel cannot guarantee that feedback will be provided to unsuccessful candidates.


AHRC Responsive Mode: Catalyst Award:

Awards to support researchers without prior experience of leading a significant research project to accelerate their trajectory as independent researchers, to unlock their potential and build leadership and convenor experience.  You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for AHRC funding.  The full economic cost (FEC) of your project can be up to £300,000. AHRC will fund 80% of the FEC. Funding is for projects up to five years in duration. Further details on the scheme can be found here.

Funding: Up to £100,000 - £300,000