History, Heritage and Walter Scott

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History, Heritage and Walter Scott

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The Walter Scott Research Centre will present some of their exciting new research to the general public.

Is Walter Scott just a dusty nineteenth-century author who has no relevance to our lives today? Or is he a vibrant and complex writer who has never been more relevant? The Walter Scott Research Centre thinks the latter and is excited to tell you why. Under the auspices of Professor Alison Lumsden, the centre’s director, researchers will share some of the centre’s current scholarship. The presentation will include segments by Alison Lumsden, Anna Fancett, Nadia Faconti-Christodoulou, Kate Ferrier, Natalie Tal Harries, and Ainsley McIntosh, covering topics including Scott and civil society, walking with Scott, chapbooks, Romantic poets, Scott in schools, and, of course, the Centre’s work on editing a new edition of Scott’s poetry.

Alison Lumsden, Anna Fancett, Nadia Faconti-Christodoulou, Kate Ferrier, Natalie Tal Harries, and Ainsley McIntosh
The Sir Duncan Rice Library, Seminar Room 224

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