Museum Regulations

In this section
Museum Regulations

Museum Regulations


The term 'Museum' covers the museum collections managed within Library, Special Collections & Museums (including university art collection and the ethnographic and archaeological collections) and associated stores and facilities in various university buildings. These regulations do not cover the museums and collections managed within academic Schools (e.g. the Zoology Museum).

1 Visitors

1.1 The university welcomes use of its museums by staff, students, researchers and the general public.

1.2 Admission to the public displays is normally free of charge, though a charge may be made for certain temporary exhibitions. Admission times are posted in publicity information and on the museum web pages .

1.3 Use of the museums and associated facilities implies an undertaking to observe these Regulations.

2 Conduct in the Museum

2.1 The behaviour of visitors should not detract from the use of the museums by others, including teaching groups. Visitors must recognise relevant Health and Safety guidance (e.g. no trailing cables from laptops can be permitted as they can be dangerous; plugs for museum equipment should not be removed, etc). Museum Staff and visitors should be treated respectfully at all times, in accordance with the University's Equality and Diversity policy.

2.2 It is forbidden to damage or attempt to damage museum objects or other property. This includes unauthorised sampling for analysis.

2.3 Children are welcome, but should be accompanied by an adult if under the age of 12. Pushchairs are welcome in the public displays, though these should be used with consideration for other visitors.

2.4 Only Assistance Dogs for visually or hearing impaired visitors are permitted in the museum: all other animals are prohibited.

2.5 The consumption of food and drink in the museums is forbidden, except in areas designated for this purpose. Anyone eating or drinking in the museum may be required to leave the building.

2.5 The museum accepts no responsibility for personal items left on museum premises. While the university will endeavour to return lost property, no liability or responsibility is accepted for found property which is brought to us or collected by us on the premises.

2.6 Visitors must evacuate the building immediately if a fire alarm sounds, or if instructed to do so by a member of the museum staff.

3 Use of Reserve Collections

3.1 Visitors are welcome to study the reserve museum collections by prior arrangement. All visitors must be accompanied when studying items not on public display.

3.2 Before using the facilities, all users must sign their names in the register provided and give such additional details as are requested. Documents proving identity and address may be requested.

3.3 Visitors to the reserve collections are required to leave cases, bags and backpacks as requested by museum staff. Visitors leaving collections stores may be asked to open their cases, bags, etc. for inspection by museum staff.

3.4 Visitors must observe instructions and advice on use from museum staff and may be required to wear gloves when handling objects.

3.5 Visitors must work only in pencil.

3.6 Care must be taken of all museum objects and materials. No user may damage or mark them, and any such damage found should be reported. Visitors will be required to compensate the museum for any damage, to the satisfaction of the museum. Deliberate damage may lead to further action.

3.7 Destructive sampling and analysis is permissible only with the written consent of the museum, and must follow the terms agreed in writing.

4 Artists and Photographers

4.1 General photography of the displays for private purposes is welcome, but images must not be sold, copied or published (including electronically) without the permission of the museum. Flash photography is not permitted. All detailed photography, and all photocopying and scanning must be approved by museum staff and must follow the terms agreed.

4.2 Artists are welcome, but certain precautions must be taken to protect the collections and to prevent inconvenience to other visitors. A small floor covering should be used to prevent damage to the carpet where wet or dirty materials (such as paint, charcoal and pastels) are involved. Even low concentrations of aerosol vapours can damage museum objects, so sprays of any sort are not permitted. Only one person should work beside each case to minimise the impact on other visitors.

5 Loans

5.1 Museum materials are not generally available for loan to individuals.

5.2 Loans are permissible only with the written consent of the museum, and must follow the terms (including insurance, security and conservation) agreed in writing. No items may be removed from the museum without first being formally issued as a loan. Removal or attempted removal of an item without complying with this procedure constitutes an offence and renders the remover liable to disciplinary action and/or prosecution. All loans remain the responsibility of the borrower until they are returned to the museum and a receipt received and must be returned by the date agreed.

5.3 The museum will accept material on loan from individuals or institutions for a variety of reasons, including exhibition, identification and research. Such loans are permissible only with the written consent of the museum, and must follow the terms agreed in writing. No items may be deposited with the museum without first being formally accepted as a loan and the relevant paperwork completed.

6 Compliance

6.1 In the event of any disorderly or improper conduct or contravention of museum regulations, visitors may be required to leave the premises. Such conduct may lead to disciplinary and/or legal action.

6.2 Student Disciplinary matters will be enforced in accordance with Code of Practice on Student Discipline (Non-Academic) .

6.3 In addition to the above regulations, attention is drawn to the following Acts of Parliament, the provisions of which represent particular obligations to readers of the Library: Data Protection Act, 1998; Computer Misuse Act, 1990; and current Copyright legislation which applies to print and electronic materials. Use of electronic resources is governed by the University's licence agreements with publishers and is restricted to staff and students of the University.