(a) The term 'Library' covers The Sir Duncan Rice Library, the Taylor Library and European Documentation Centre, the Medical Library and the Special Collections Centre.
(b) In the Special Collections Centre, supplementary regulations apply in order to protect rare and fragile material (see section 6 below).
(c) In Museums supplementary regulations also apply and these can be consulted online.
1. Membership |
1.1 Membership of the Library is granted to the following:
1.2 Members of the general public are admitted to use the Library for reference purposes, free of charge. 1.3 Borrowing rights to print or non-print borrowable library material are available to all members as at 1.1. Only full members of the University who are also entitled to University computing accounts will have access to all electronic library resources. 1.4 Membership of the Library or use of its facilities implies an undertaking to observe these Regulations. 1.5 All users of the Library must carry valid identification to be shown to staff on request. Registered users must carry a valid ID/Library card which will serve as a form of identification and a means of access to services and facilities. This card is not transferable. 1.6 If the ID/Library card is lost or stolen, the user shall remain responsible for items issued when using it until the Library has been informed of the loss. |
2. Borrowing |
2.1 No items may be removed from the Library without first being formally issued as a loan. Any removal or attempted removal of an item without complying with this procedure constitutes an offence and renders the borrower liable to prosecution, to disciplinary action and / or cancellation of membership, in the case of a Subscription Borrower. 2.2 All loans remain the responsibility of the borrower until they are returned to the Library and duly discharged. 2.3 Borrowed items must always be available for return if requested by another user. Items must not be taken abroad without the permission of an authorised member of Library staff. 2.4 All users must notify the Library immediately of any change of postal or electronic address. All library correspondence will be sent electronically via email to the user's University email account (unless alternative arrangements have been especially negotiated and recorded on the user's borrower record). Any notice sent to the last reported postal or electronic address of the user is deemed to have been duly sent. |
3. Return of Loans |
3.1 Current loan periods must be observed at all times, and items returned by the date and time specified. Loans can normally be renewed on request if the item is not required by another user. 3.2 All loans are subject to recall. Such items must be returned by the date quoted on the recall notice. 3.3 Borrowing privileges will be immediately suspended while there are overdue items unless extenuating circumstances, agreed by the Site Manager, apply. 3.4 If a loan is not returned within 2 weeks of the due date, the Library will invoice the user for the item at a rate determined by the Librarian and covering the full cost of its replacement including all administrative costs, unless extenuating circumstances, agreed by the Site Manager, apply. If the item is returned at this stage, the replacement charge will be waived but the administrative charge will remain payable. 3.5 Failure to return items or pay invoices will lead to recovery of the sum through the University's Finance Office. In the case of University students, further action may be taken in accordance with the Code of Practice on Student Discipline. Where appropriate, students in debt to the Library will have their degree certificate withheld or, in severe cases, will not be allowed to graduate. |
4. Conduct in the Library |
4.1 A quiet environment must be preserved in all reading areas of the Library: >
4.2 The consumption of food and drink in the Library is forbidden, except in areas designated for this purpose. No food or drink - other than bottled water - is allowed on desktops. The delivery of food to the Library is forbidden. Coffee purchased on the Ground Floor of The Sir Duncan Rice Library, or brought into the building from elsewhere, may not be taken beyond the Ground Floor access gates. Library staff may confiscate any food and drink taken into the reading areas. Bottled water is allowed in the reading areas, excluding the Special Collections Centre. 4.3 Users must not deliberately mis-shelve or otherwise conceal materials. This constitutes an offence and renders the perpetrator liable to disciplinary action or cancellation of membership, in the case of a Subscription Borrower. All items to be reshelved must be placed on the appropriate trolleys for the attention of Library staff, other than items being returned from loan which should be returned at an automated self-issue/return point (where available) or to a Library service desk. 4.4 Care must be taken of all Library materials. Users must not mark, annotate or otherwise damage Library materials. Users will be expected to reimburse the University for the cost of any damage caused to Library materials, whether intentionally, recklessly or negligently. Damage to Library materials (including annotation and marking) must be reported. 4.5 Belongings left on tables and chairs for more than 30 minutes may be removed by Library staff for safe-keeping. The Library accepts no responsibility for personal items left on Library premises. 4.6 Library equipment left unattended for more than 15 minutes is deemed available to other users. The Library accepts no responsibility for work lost in such circumstances. 4.7 All users leaving the building in possession of Library materials must show them to a member of staff on request, and may be asked to open their cases, bags, etc. for this purpose. 4.8 An announcement will be made 15 minutes before the Library closes. No items may be borrowed after this time. Users must leave the Library punctually. 4.9 The use of mobile 'phones cameras or any other device to take photographs of, or to film, any individual or individuals in LSC&M buildings - without their explicit consent - is forbidden. 4.10 The University Librarian is empowered to limit, restrict or prohibit any conduct, activity or practice which he/she believes to be disruptive, or affects the quiet enjoyment by users of LSC&M facilities and services. Where such power is exercised then the Advisory Group on Information Strategy (as the University body with immediate oversight of the Library Regulations) will be formally notified and asked to endorse its exercise at its next meeting. 4.11 Any person infringing rules on conduct in the Library may be asked by a member of staff to produce their ID card or other suitable identification. Such persons must produce their identification in response to a request to do so. Refusal to do so constitutes a breach of Library Regulations. The member of Library staff may record the name of the individual and advise them that their conduct is unacceptable and in breach of Library Regulations. This verbal warning may be followed up by a written warning by a senior member of the Library staff. Written warnings will be kept on file. 4.12 Any instance of disorderly or improper conduct or contravention of Library Regulations may render the person(s) responsible liable to a fine and/or suspension from the use of the Library and, where deemed appropriate, further disciplinary action in accordance with the University's Code of Practice on Student Discipline. Should a user receive 2 or more written warnings as outlined in 5.11 in one academic session then they shall be referred to the University Librarian and Director, or designate, who will decide what action, if any, shall be taken under the University's Code of Practice on Student Discipline. |
5. Special Collections Centre: Supplementary Regulations |
5.1 Before using the facilities, all users must sign their name in the register provided and give such additional details as are requested. Photographic identification may be required before entry is permitted to the Reading Room. 5.2 Users are required to leave coats, cases, bags and backpacks, even if empty, in the lockers provided. 5.3 Users must not lean on books or press the pages. 5.4 Book-rests must be used to support volumes being consulted, and special weights used to hold down the leaves. 5.5 Users must work only in pencil. 5.6 All photocopying and scanning must be carried out by Library staff. The use of cameras is strictly governed by regulations available in the Reading Room. 5.7 The Reading Room is designated as a Silent Study area (see 5.1 above). |
6. Compliance |
6.1 Disciplinary matters will be enforced in accordance with the provisions of 5.9 and 5.10 above and in accordance with the University's Code of Practice on Student Discipline. 6.2 The use of computing facilities in the Library is governed by Conditions for Using Information Technology Facilities (Directorate of Information Technology, June 2009;). The full conditions and a summary version of them are available at: 6.3 In addition to the above Regulations, attention is drawn to the following Acts of Parliament, the provisions of which represent particular obligations to users of the Library:
Use of electronic resources is governed by the University's licence agreements with publishers and is restricted to staff and students of the University; users of the electronic resources made available under the Walk-In Users Service are also bound by these agreements and by the Terms and Conditions of Use signed on registration to use the Service. 6.4 These Regulations came into force on 1st June 2012. Regulations 5.9 and 5.10 were added in May 2013. Download a print version of the Library Regulations |