REF and funder open access policies require either the final published version or the accepted manuscript of research articles and conference papers published with an ISSN to be made open access.
Funders such as UKRI, Wellcome Trust, etc., require research outputs to be made open access immediately on publication under a licence that permits sharing and reuse.
REF2029 requires research outputs to be open access no later than 3 months after publication. A short embargo may be permitted where Rights Retention cannot be applied.
Check the requirements of REF and funder open access policies on our webpage.
Publication in a gold or diamond open access journal that allows immediate open access under a CC BY or other open licence permitted by your funder meets funder requirements.
Publication in a subscription journal may require that you apply the Rights Retention Statement at submission to ensure that you can deposit the accepted manuscript in a repository that meets your funder requirements.
Definitions for the above terms can be found on our glossary of open research key terms.
Publication Costs
If a Publisher Agreement isn't already in place contact the Open Research Team to see if support is available to cover the cost of publishing. The team will offer further guidance if there is no central budget available. If you proceed and place an order without confirmation, then you may be held liable for costs.
Page and colour charges - Look on the journal webpages to see if the publisher charges any extra costs. *These extra charges are not covered by the Publisher Agreements or the open access fund and can also apply to Green Open Access print copies.
Confirm your school has money available to cover these extra costs.
Please contact if you have any queries about our agreements, open access funds and journal compliance with funder policies.