International Bibliography of the Social Sciences

International Bibliography of the Social Sciences

This guide aims to give you a very quick introduction to IBSS. If you would like any help with IBSS, or with finding and using other information resources, please contact the Information Consultant for Education, Music and Social Science, Claire Molloy, on Floor 6 of The Sir Duncan Rice Library, or by email: .

Accessing the database

ACCESS INFORMATION: You will need to use the Shibboleth/UK Federation authentication route to access these resources. Follow the prompts as detailed below.

This interface gives us access to many different databases. Below we explain how to find and use IBSS. More information can be found at .

  • This resource is available via a platform provided by a company called ProQuest
  • Go to
  • Search for University of Aberdeen in the list and then select it from the results.
  • You will be prompted to log in via the your University of Aberdeen Microsoft365 account. Sign in using (e.g. or and your password.
  • You may be prompted to use the multifactor authentication app to authorise
  • Select Change Databases
  • From the list, scroll down to see IBSS and click on the title

You are taken to the single-box Basic Search screen but click on Advanced Search to undertake a more detailed search - it is actually much easier than using Basic Search!

About the database

Years covered:1951-present

International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) is produced by the London School of Economics and covers social and cultural anthropology, sociology, education, economics and the political sciences. It provides access to over 2.5 million references dating back to 1951 and current data is taken from over 2,800 selected journals and around 7000 books per annum.

Journals indexed: Go to

Keywords (thesaurus):

Database help:

Starting your search

Displaying the results

Remember, each resource will work slightly differently and the following is just a guide. The advice given is not set in stone and you will find that how you search will differ slightly for each platform. If you find that you are in need of help, please email Claire Molloy: . After the search, the screen will refresh and display your results.

Screen displaying search results on IBSS

Usually you will click on a title to see the details about the article - sometimes there are notes or an abstract.
To see the full-text of an article, click on the Find It button (sometimes displayed as Open URL) - this opens up a screen like this one:

IBSS: the Find It button takes you back to Primo

You may see more than one provider. Usually, the first option will work but you may have to look and see which option covers which years and make sure you click on the relevant one. You will be taken to the 'abstract' page of the article.

You will probably have to log in at this point - if you do not see download now, full text here or download.pdf here (the message will be one or other of these variants which will allow you to get access to the full-text of the article). You will have to look towards the top right of the screen for the option to log in.

When you have to use the log in option or you are prompted to log in when you click on Full text - pdf you will be faced with a screen similar to this one:
Select Log in via your institution

Sage journals login screen

You will then either need to type in University of Aberdeen or select UK from the region list and then University of Aberdeen from the institution list. (We are listed under 'u' for University!)

Note that this does not always give full-text access. If it doesn't, then please email Claire for advice; it may be that the article is only available in paper format or that we have to get a copy from another library through inter library loan.

Further information