Digital Object Identifiers (DOI)

In this section
Digital Object Identifiers (DOI)


We can provide University of Aberdeen researchers with Crossref Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for outputs such as working papers, policy briefs and reports.

A DOI is a string of numbers, letters and symbols used to permanently identify and link to a research output online. Assigning a DOI to your output will make sure readers can easily locate and link to your reference.

The output will be uploaded to Pure and a copy of the PDF made publicly available through AURA.

The DOI will resolve to the Research Portal , where there will be a link to the item in AURA and where available, a link to the published output.

To request a DOI please provide the following information to the Open Research Team.

  • A PDF copy of the output to be uploaded to Pure and made publicly available in AURA
  • Where the item is already available online, the URL
  • Author names
  • Authors' ORCiD
  • Publisher
  • References cited in the output which have a DOI must include a hyperlink to the DOI in the format of

We recommend that you share your work under a Creative Commons licence that sets out the terms of reuse.

Please contact the Open Research Team for further information.

If you would like a DOI for your thesis please contact the Cataloguing Team .

Read more about Why You Need a DOI on the Library Blog.