- University Librarian and Head of Library Services
- Service Contacts and Site Libraries
- Information Consultants
- Academic Library Representatives
- Management Structure
Please see Simon Bains' Staff Profile for further details: www.abdn.ac.uk/people/simon.bainsService Contacts
For all general enquiries
For all queries on:
Open Access Research, Scholarly Communications, and Papers Accepted
Site Libraries
Sir Duncan Rice Library
University of Aberdeen, Bedford Road, Aberdeen, AB24 3AA
email: library@abdn.ac.uk , tel: +44 (0)1224 273330
Medical Library
University of Aberdeen, Polwarth Building, Foresterhill, Aberdeen, AB25 2ZD
email: library@abdn.ac.uk , tel: +44 (0)1224 437870
Taylor Library and European Documentation Centre
University of Aberdeen, Taylor Building, Aberdeen AB24 3UB
email: library@abdn.ac.uk , tel: +44 (0)1224 272601
Museums and Special Collections
Sir Duncan Rice Library, University of Aberdeen, Bedford Road, AB24 3AA
email: uoacollections@abdn.ac.uk
Mel Bickerton
Medical Library, Foresterhill Campus, email: library@abdn.ac.uk , tel: +44 (0)1224 437876 Information Consultant
Medical and Biomedical Sciences. Activities include information skills instruction for both staff and students, support to Library Representatives and attendance at relevant School meetings.
Ewan Grant
Sir Duncan Rice Library, Floor 4 (Room 406), email: library@abdn.ac.uk , tel: +44 (0)1224 272587 Information Consultant
Divinity & Religious Studies, History, History of Art, Language & Literature, Modern Languages, Philosophy. Activities include information skills instruction for both staff and students, support to Library Representatives and attendance at relevant School meetings. Also Library documentation and website.
Janet MacKay
Sir Duncan Rice Library, Floor 3 (Room 306) and Taylor Library, email: library@abdn.ac.uk , tel: +44 (0)1224 272572 (SDRL) and Tel: +44 (0)1224 273892 (Taylor) Information Consultant
Business, Economics and Law. Activities include information skills instruction for both staff and students, support to Library Representatives and attendance at relevant School meetings. Also Library documentation.
Claire Molloy
Sir Duncan Rice Library, Floor 6 (Room 606), email: library@abdn.ac.uk , tel: +44 (0)1224 274813 Information Consultant
Anthropology, Education, Gender Studies, Music, Politics and International Relations, Sociology. Activities include information skills instruction for both staff and students, support to Library Representatives and attendance at relevant School meetings. Also service to distance students in Education.
Eleni Borompoka
The Sir Duncan Rice Library, Floor 4 (Room 406), email: library@abdn.ac.uk , tel: +44 (0)1224 273848 Information Adviser
Archaeology, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computing Science, Engineering, Geography, Geology, History & Philosophy of Science, Mathematics, Physics, Planetary Sciences, Psychology. Activities include information skills instruction for staff and students, support to Library Representatives and attendance at relevant School meetings, Library documentation, website.
Erin Matheson
Sir Duncan Rice Library, email: library@abdn.ac.uk , tel: contactable by MS Teams Information Adviser
Activities include development, promotion and enquiry support of the Reading List Services. Training and information skills instruction.
Tim Riley
The Sir Duncan Rice Library, email: library@abdn.ac.uk , tel: +44 (0)1224 274816 Information Adviser
Activities include development, promotion and enquiry support and guidance for the copyright literacy service. Training and information skills instruction.
School Liaison and Teaching
At the University of Aberdeen each School has a Library Representative who administers a Library Resource Allocation Budget and liaises with the Library through our team of Information Consultants.
We rely on academic staff to inform us of the resources you require to support your research and teaching programmes. The team is available to discuss your information needs and how we can best meet them.
Business School
Dr Nglaa Ahmad
(Information Consultant - Janet MacKay)
Biological Sciences
Dr Cath Jones
(Information Adviser - Eleni Borompoka)
Centre for Early Modern Studies
Prof. Karin Friedrich
(Information Consultant - Ewan Grant)
Divinity, History & Philosophy
To be confirmed
(Information Consultant - Ewan Grant)
Divinity & Religious Studies
Dr Nathaniel Greene
(Information Consultant - Ewan Grant)
Dr. Owen Walsh
(Information Consultant - Ewan Grant)
History and Philosophy of Science
Dr Ben Marsden
(Information Consultant - Ewan Grant)
History of Art
Dr Karl Kinsella
(Information Consultant - Ewan Grant)
Dr Sandro Guli
(Information Consultant - Ewan Grant)
Dr Rachel Shanks
(Information Consultant - Claire Molloy)
Dr Aniruddha Majumder
(Information Adviser - Eleni Borompoka)
Elphinstone Institute
Ms A. Sharman
(Information Consultant - Claire Molloy)
Rebecca Crozier
(Information Adviser - Eleni Borompoka)
Geography and Environment
Dr Piotr Niewiadomski
(Information Adviser - Eleni Borompoka)
Geology & Geophysics
Prof. John Parnell
(Information Adviser - Eleni Borompoka)
Planetary Sciences
Juan Antonio Ramirez-Luque
(Information Adviser - Eleni Borompoka)
Language, Literature, Music & Visual Culture
Dr Elizabeth Anderson
(Information Consultant - Ewan Grant)
Film and Visual Culture
Dr Barbara Barreiro Leon
(Information Consultant - Ewan Grant)
Dr Fransiska Louwagie
(Information Consultant - Ewan Grant)
Gaelic, Celtic and Anglo-Saxon Studies
Prof. Ralph O'Connor
(Information Consultant - Ewan Grant)
Dr Tara Beaney
(Information Consultant - Ewan Grant)
Spanish & Latin American Studies
Dr Jesse Barker
(Information Consultant - Ewan Grant)
Dr Jonathan Hicks
(Information Consultant - Claire Molloy)
Dr Thomas M Green
Janet MacKay
(Information Consultant - Janet MacKay)Medicine, Medical Sciences & Dentistry
Medical Sciences
Dr Michael Scholz
(Information Consultant - Mel Bickerton)
Dr Anand Lalli
(Information Consultant - Mel Bickerton)
Medical Journals Fund
Dr Derek Scott
(Information Consultant - Mel Bickerton)
Medicine Phases - MBChB
Dr Alison Jack
(Information Consultant - Mel Bickerton)
Medical Research Themes
Prof. Martin Collinson
(Information Consultant - Mel Bickerton)
Natural & Computing Sciences
Rosa McQueen (School Administration Coordinator)
(Information Adviser - Eleni Borompoka)
Computing Science
Emily MacDonald (School Administration Coordinator)
(Information Adviser - Eleni Borompoka)
Mathematical Sciences
Emily MacDonald (School Administration Coordinator)
(Information Adviser - Eleni Borompoka)
Rosa McQueen (School Administration Coordinator)
(Information Adviser - Eleni Borompoka)
Dr Brett Cochrane
(Information Adviser - Eleni Borompoka)
Research Institute for Irish & Scottish Studies
Prof. Cairns Craig
cairns.craig@abdn.ac.uk(Information Consultant - Ewan Grant)
Rowett Institute of Nutrition & Health
No current library rep
(Information Consultant - Mel Bickerton)
Social Sciences
Dr Rachel Smith
(Information Consultant - Claire Molloy)
Politics & International Relations
Dr Dimitrios Anagnostakis
(Information Consultant - Claire Molloy)
Dr Rhoda Wilkie
(Information Consultant - Claire Molloy)
Our Library Services Management Structure Chart provides an overview of our management team. If you would like contact details for one of these managers, please look in our Staff Directory.