Issue Desk
The Issue Desk provides the full range of standard library services. These include loans, heavy demand issues, returns, recalls, reservations and inter-library loans. Heavy Demand Reference materials are held behind the Issue Desk.
There is a self-issue machine in the Heavy Demand area. This is for issues only. All books must be returned to the Issue Desk.
A box is placed outside the Library on weekdays (i.e. Monday to Friday) for return of Heavy Demand books before the Library opens.
T:+44(0)1224 272601
Help Desks
There are two Help Desks for subject enquiries and general enquiries about library facilities and services. They are located on:
- Level 1, Block C near the spiral staircase
open Monday-Friday, 09:00-16:30
- Level 2, Block D in the EUOP Enquiry Office
open Monday-Friday, 09:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:30