The Teaching Resource Collection or TRC is an area for quiet educational study and group discussion on Floor 6 of the Sir Duncan Rice Library.
The Teaching Resource is a collection of more than 20,000 items consisting of children's books and school textbooks for all ages, ranging from pre-school to sixth year secondary level. We have many books which can be used for project or topic work in the primary school, subject specific material for secondary use, as well as a collection of children's fiction. There are subject guides and arrangements for secondary subjects. We also hold a large collection of non-book material including kits (collections of materials on a particular topic, for example we have an inflatable solar system for demonstration purposes, Heinemann Maths packs - teacher and pupil books, workbooks etc., puppets, an organ apron and much more!), DVDs (and videos), CDs, CD-ROMs, project journals (shelved on Floor 2 at 370 with the other Education journals), big books and dual language books.